The Living Logo For Mental Health

How could we give a voice to everyone who is struggling quietly with mental health?
We created the first activist logo in the world to speak up for those who can’t.

Case study video

The first logo to feed out of people’s voices, serving as a real-time infographic, putting pressure on global leaders.

We presented the logo at the U.N. General Assembly in New York during Suicide Prevention Awareness Month – Sep 2019. And soon after, we changed the landscape of global mental health forever.

Mental Health was finally included in the Universal Health Coverage, a document created by the United Nations, to be implemented in every country.

Click HERE to see the official document from U.N.

On the campaign website, we created a platform where people who normally struggle to open up felt comfortable talking, adding their voice petitions to the cause. The more voice petitions, the more colorful the logo became.



Users that sign with the audio option will generate a post with a video of the living logo interacting with their voice pledging their support.

Zak Williams, son of the great Robin Williams, joined us, inviting more people to add their voices to the Living Logo.



Using coding generative art we took each person’s voice to create custom graphic elements for each poster.

Agency: HAVAS New York
CCO: Harry B
CD: Sascha Piltz
ACD Art: Fernando Mattei
ACD Copy: Rich Douek